Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sooooo Excited!

We’re flying to North Carolina bright and early Friday morning to meet Sean, Mary, and Kayla. Wow! On one hand, it felt like this day would never get here and on the other, I can’t believe how fast the last six weeks have gone by. It still amazes me that six weeks ago I had no idea… it’s still a little surreal.

I want to take a minute and thank everyone: friends, family, colleagues, who have – willing or not – taken this journey with me. Your support and shared excitement has made what is already an incredible experience just that much more so. Your words of encouragement whether through email, Facebook, blog comments, phone calls, or in person have been fantastic, I couldn’t ask for a better support network – who needs a therapist… just one small favor to ask - PLEASE send thoughts of good weather out to the universe, looks like tomorrow could be a dicey travel day.

I’d be lying if I told you that it’s been easy to concentrate this week, but it’s not due to nerves. It is sheer excitement. I’m about ready to burst. I was just telling a colleague yesterday that Sean and I have covered the scary topics already, so while I fully expect there will be some surprises, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to discover anything that makes me want to run back to Boston.

Off we go…

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I really haven’t looked back since that night Sean “talked me in off the ledge.” I came home the next night to find a dozen beautiful red roses from my Uncle Rick, Aunt Terrie, and Sean. What genuinely nice, thoughtful people. Janet was right when she said, “they just want to love you.

If you're not a born and bred New Englander, you probably have no idea what a stretch it is to take something like this at face value. In other words, I (yes, I am blaming it on being a New Englander as opposed to just being me) have a tendency to be somewhat suspicious of seemingly fabulous people who appear out of nowhere. If it’s too good to be true then it can’t be, right… ah, maybe not always.

So what have we been doing for the past few weeks? Well, thanks to my ingenious sister-in-law Mary, we’ve been trading bits and pieces of information about each other. We email back and forth and talk on the phone once a week – I think our shortest conversation has been about an hour and a half. The magnitude of the information varies from inconsequential but fun, i.e. favorite foods, colors, and music, to more substantive information such as political and religious views.

Where angels fear to tread – but not really. It’s completely okay that some of our opinions differ… we have great conversations, Sean does a good devil’s advocate, and getting to know each other is really cool. His blog post blew me away - how lucky am I to have a brother like that!

So… Dave and I are flying down to North Carolina on February 26th so that we can start having some of these conversations in person. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am – if in December, you had asked me how I was going to be spending January and February, this wouldn’t have been the answer… it’s nice when Karma throws you a good one…