Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 18th - and I'm still processing...

Thankfully these revelations took place during a long weekend, giving me some time to adjust. Happily Monday was a holiday. My husband Dave had to go to work. This left me with a whole day to do nothing but try to wrap my head around everything (some might call this navel gazing).

Sometime around 10:00 a.m. the phone rang. The caller was my (new to me) cousin C. She is Uncle Rick’s daughter and lives in Georgia. Nice call… we chatted for a little while before she had to go to work. She told me about herself and her family. She was involved in the search with her dad while she was a cop. I’m still kind of blown away at Uncle Rick’s tenacity… never giving up the search as the years rolled by.

Later in the day, my imagination got the better of me. I started thinking about my family – the one that I have known and loved my entire life, and Dave’s family who I have known and loved for the last 16 years and I got a little irritated. I was thinking: “hey – I’ve got a perfectly good family. I don’t need this. I’ve managed pretty well for the last 47 years – what am I supposed to do with this turn of events?”

I’m a fairly methodical person. I like to know what’s going on – all the time. The more I thought about my “new” family the more agitated I became. By the time Dave got home that night I was in a complete lather! At one point I was standing in the kitchen, hands on my hips, saying – “Really Dave, I don’t need this. I have a perfectly good family right here. Now I have a bunch of strangers that I have to deal with – what if I don’t like them, what if they don’t like me, what if…” – and my wonderful husband walked up to me, put his hands on either side of my face and told me to take a couple of deep breaths and that everything would be okay.

As usual, Dave was right…


  1. We could "what if" ourselves out of just about anything...but then we would miss out on so many wonderful, amazing experiences that life has in store. We are all constantly adding to our families (marriages, kids, etc.). You just happen to be getting a whole chuck of family added at once!

  2. Isn't that the truth. I'm in a much better place than I was on the 18th, which in large part is due to a conversation that I had with Sean.
